
Beech leaf wooden platter

Current price is: €13. Original price was: €14.

The smaller, special-shaped platters can also be placed on our table as a plate, but they also provide a nice aesthetic effect when serving different dishes. Due to their shape, their cleaning requires more careful attention. Among other things, our sets include various leaf, fish and pig-shaped platters, from which you can choose to compose amazing table settings.

Length: 518mm
Width: 264mm
Height: 27mm
Weight: 0.75kg
SKU: 1029 Category: Tags: , , ,


Beech leaf-shaped wooden bowl, the surface separated in three compartments, in the extension of the leaf body there is a stem that functions as the handle of the bowl.

Size: 518*264 mm
Weight: 750 gr

The beech leaf-shaped bowl is an indispensable accessory of hunting lodges, because the pheasant looks really amazing on it, right next to the fireplace!

Inspiration - what to serve in the bowl:

Pot-roast of pheasant with shallots and caramelised apples


  • 2 pheasants
    salt and freshly milled black pepper
  • 1 tablespoon butter
  • 1 heaped teaspoon butter
  • 1 tablespoon oil
  • 12 shallots, peeled
  • 2 fresh thyme sprigs
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 3 tablespoons Calvados
  • 11/2 pints (850 ml) medium cider
  • 1 heaped teaspoon flour
    For the caramelised apples:
  • 3 medium Cox’s apples, unpeeled, quartered and each quarter sliced in 2
  • 11/2 oz (40 g) butter
  • 4 oz (110 g) granulated sugar


Start off by heating the butter and oil together in a heavy frying pan, then brown the pheasants in the hot fat until they’re a good golden colour all over.

Then place them, breasts uppermost, in the casserole and season them well. Then brown the shallots in the remaining fat in the frying pan and add these to the pheasants, along with the thyme and bay leaf. Next pour the Calvados into a small saucepan and warm it gently, then ignite with a match. While it is alight, pour the flaming Calvados all over the pheasants. The alcohol will burn off, leaving just the beautiful essence to flavour the birds. Now pour in the cider and bring everything up to a very gentle simmer, put a tight lid on the let the pheasants braise slowly on top of the stove for 1-11/4 hours or until they’re tender.

Towards the end of the cooking time, pre-heat the grill to its highest setting. Line the grill pan with foil and brush it with melted butter. Then brush each piece of apple with melted butter and dip it in sugar to coat it well all over. Place these on the foil and grill them about 2 inches (5 cm) away from the element for 6 minutes, or until the sugar caramelises. Then turn them over and caramelise them on the other side. When they’re done they will keep warm without coming to any harm.

When the pheasants are cooked, remove them and the shallots to a warmed serving plate and keep warm. Discard the herbs, then boil the liquid in the casserole briskly without a lid until it has reduced slightly. Then whisk in the flour and butter paste with a balloon whisk, which will slighly thicken it when it comes back to the boil.

Carve the pheasant and serve with the shallots and sauce poured over and garnished with the caramelised apples.

Weight 0,75 kg
Dimensions 518 × 264 × 27 mm

518 x 264 mm


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